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Plenary Lecture 1: Covid-19:  Before and After. Where Does Teledermatology Stand Now?
                          David Moreno (Seville, Spain) & Paola Pasquali (Tarragona, Spain)

Q&A Plenary Lecture 1
                          With David Moreno & Paola Pasquali 

Live Discussion Session 1: Institutional and Regional Perspectives on Teledermatology and AI in Dermatology 
                          Chaired by Saul Halpern, with Guadalupe Estrada, Jules Lipoff, Justin Ko, Art Papier

Live Discussion Session 2: Teledermatology Programs For Health Care Delivery
                          Chaired by Amanda Oakley, with Karen Mckoy, Mette Mogensen, John Paoli, Tejasvi Trilokraj

Live Discussion Session 3: Augmented Artificial Intelligence in Dermatology 
                          Chaired by Josep Malvehy, with Carrie Kovarik,  Maryam Sadeghi 

Live Discussion Session 4: Telepathology and Teleconfocal
                           Chaired by Paola Pascuali, with Marcial Garcia Rojo, Manu Jain

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